Saturday, January 7, 2012

Thought for the Day

Thought for the day:
"I was blessed with parents who taught that one must always declare honesty and integrity in dealing with others to be the guiding principle, and to understand that failure to do so results in a loss of respect, not easily, if ever, repaired."
The Honorable Walter S. Felton, Jr.
Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals of Virginia.
Bettina Altizer- Attorney at  Law
Altizer and Altizer

Friday, January 6, 2012

Remove Metadata before Sending Files !!!!!!!

Alan S. Goldberg offers a word of caution in an article that he authored in the December 2011 Virginia Lawyer publication of the Virginia State Bar.  Mr. Goldberg cautions that sending a file to someone by email without first removing the metadata (this is hidden information within the file that can be seen by someone who knows where and how to look for it) can allow preliminary drafts and client information to be shared with the recipient.  This includes prior versions of the file, including what was changed or deleted, and who the file was originally created for unless the metadata is removed.  
 There are many programs that can remove metadata from your files. .Here is a link from Microsoft that provides instruction and details on removal of these metadata files for Word                                                                    .Removing Medadata Files

Bettina Altizer
Altizer and Altizer Law

Monday, January 2, 2012

Law in Society Essay Contest

Attention Virginia high school students – the Virginia State Bar’s Litigation Section has been sponsoring a Law in Society essay contest for the past 20 years.  This is an opportunity to win some cash with your interest in the law.  The competition is open to public and private high school students as well as home-schooled students in the 9th-12th grades.  The intent is to increase awareness and appreciation of our legal system among high school students.  Awards go to students whose essays best demonstrate a superior understanding of the role and value of our legal system in our everyday lives according to Gordon Hickey in the December 2011 edition of Virginia Lawyer.  The 2012 hypothetical will be about bullying and concerns a middle school girl who is the victim of harassing posts on social networking sites.  See for more information.  The deadline for essays is February 15, 2012.

Bettina Altizer- Attorney at Law
Altizer and Altizer